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The Scottish Government funds the brokerage work across Ayrshire, through the Support in the Right Direction Fund (SiRD2021). This funding is linked to the implementation of self-directed support and the outcomes that we must focus on are helping people and carers to:

  • feel more informed, listened to and less stressed.
  • creatively and flexibly plan to achieve personal outcomes including accessing community assets
  • have increased skills so are better able to manage social care packages

We work across all care groups supporting people who qualify for formal social care and those who don't but who still need some help.

The help to individuals is free due to the funding support from the Scottish Government.

Future Pathways was launched in September 2016 to offer support to people who were abused or neglected as children while they were living in care in Scotland.

It is supported by funding from the Scottish Government and is managed by a group of organisations that make up the Future Pathways Alliance to oversee the fund and make sure it is reaching as many survivors as possible. Future Pathways  coordinate a wide range of services, resources and support for each person who registers with them. They work with a network of organisations across Scotland and beyond to deliver a tailored package of support to each individual. 

We are contracted by Future Pathways through the involvement of brokers to co-ordinate access to and the delivery of resources, integrated care and support so that Survivors can achieve their own goals.

At the Community Brokerage Network we have developed a customised award for community brokerage, which is certified and quality assured by SQA. This award has been credit rated by SQA at Level 7 on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) with 30 credit points. The course is available to anyone looking to develop their skills. It consists of 5 key elements:

  • Understanding and describing self-directed support
  • Exploring models of brokerage
  • Implementing choice and control for people with self-directed support
  • Helping people design their support plan
  • Community development and brokerage.

The award runs over 6 months involving a mix of approaches to learning.

Please contact us if you live in Ayrshire and could benefit from the help of a broker to help with your social care or community connections.

Please contact Future Pathways if you suffered neglect or abuse while in care in Scotland and would like some help.

If you are interested in undertaking the SQA Qualification in Community Brokerage please contact us.